Dog Grooming & Cat Grooming

Doggo Routine Spa Session

We have a lot of passion for making pets silky so our grooming sessions are all inclusive.
  • When your baby is dropped off with us the first thing we do after we are done loving on them is a health check. We look at the ears, eyes, teeth, paws, skin, coat, and private parts to make sure everything is in tip top shape. We can take care of most minor issues as a pet spa but we also provide early detection to pet parents for any major concerns.
  • Next we file the nails (anal glands and teeth brushing are upon request as not every pet parent wants these).
  • Then we provide a restorative hydration treatment in the bathtub (fancy talk for giving them a high quality and rejuvenating bath).
  • After, they are blow dried by hand, they get their ears cleaned with a product specifically designed to combat ear infections.
  • Then they get all the areas shaved out that can cause issues if left hairy like paw pads, armpits, ear openings, and private areas.
  • Finally they get a thorough brushing and yummy snacks! (If the pet parent allows treats).


Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Short/Smooth Coat $45
  • Long Coat/Hair $55
  • Double Coat Deshed $65


Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Short/Smooth Coat $55
  • Long Coat/Hair $70
  • Double Coat Deshed $80


Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Short/Smooth Coat $70
  • Long Coat/Hair $85
  • Double Coat Deshed $95

Extra Large

Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Short/Smooth Coat $85
  • Long Coat/Hair $100
  • Double Coat Deshed $110

Doggo Maintenance Trims

Everything included in the bath and brush plus light trimming around the eyes and feet.


  • Small & Medium + $10
  • Large & Extra Large + $15

Doggo Full Haircuts

Everything included in the bath and brush plus a full body stylish haircut ranging from subtle and natural to a cuddly teddy bear.

Our welcoming team is great at getting to the bottom of exactly what our guest wants for their fur baby and our stylists are very talented at delivering on our promise that all pets leave here looking incredible!


Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Fur Like Hair +$20
  • Double Coated Profile Trims +$10


Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Fur Like Hair +$30
  • Double Coated Profile Trims +$10


Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Fur Like Hair +$40
  • Double Coated Profile Trims +$20

Extra Large

Estimated Prices
(Firm Price Given in Person)
  • Fur Type (Not Length)
  • Fur Like Hair +$50
  • Double Coated Profile Trims +$20

Routine Spa Session

Health check, treats, nails, ear cleaning, brushless teeth gel, shampoo and conditioner designed for your breed,
blow dry by hand, thorough brushout, paw pad and sanitary shaving.


Choose One:

  • Silk Hydration Treatment
  • Signature Shedding Treatment
  • Signature Shedding Treatment
  • Infected Skin Treatment

Choose One:

  • Silk Hydration Treatment
  • Signature Shedding Treatment
  • Signature Shedding Treatment
  • Infected Skin Treatment


Add Ons:

  • Paw Balm
  • Perfume
  • Teeth Brushing
  • Bow or Bandana
  • Anal Glands (Warning) 

Add Ons:

  • Walk-in Nails
  • Walk-in Teeth Brushing
  • Walk-in Ear Cleaning
  • Walk-in Anal Glands
  • Brushout by Reservation



  • Pet Size & Breed
  • Pet Stillness & Aggression
  • Coat Length & Thickness
  • Coat Condition
  • Difficulty of Request


  • We do not accept pets with fleas or contagious illness. If your pet is found to have either, they will be sent home immediately and you will be charged accordingly.
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